
Hungary is a member of GHD group since 2007 through the approval of the European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid. Hungarian humanitarian aid is based on the international humanitarian law, international refugee law and international human right treaties. In line with the humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence, its main objective is to preserve life, prevent and alleviate human suffering and maintain human dignity.

Hungary provides its humanitarian assistance through UN organizations, most notably UNHCR and UNICEF, the Red Cross Movement, and Hungarian humanitarian organisations. Humanitarian aid is coordinated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

During 2011/2012, Hungary was chairing the GHD-SHARE (Sessions for Humanitarian Awareness Raising and Exchange) workstream , with three objectives in mind: to enhance links with stakeholders outside the GHD group, to facilitate the accession of new donors to GHD (in 2012, Croatia), and to create a geographically more balanced approach in the thematic presentations (also including presentation of the representatives of the private sector). The chairmanship was considered successful by the partners and it helped to raise Hungary’s humanitarian profile within the international donor community.