
Brazilian humanitarian cooperation

The Brazilian policy on humanitarian cooperation is based on strict adherence to the humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence. It recognizes the right to food as a universal human right, as provided for by article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Every human being, therefore, must have access to adequate food and water, thereby assuring food and nutrition security.

The Brazilian humanitarian policy follows a two-track approach: emergency and structural actions. The emergency approach refers to contributions aiming at saving lives and alleviating human suffering. This approach is based on cash or in-kind contributions in partnership with international organizations.

The structural approach aims to empower individuals and communities to overcome chronic socioeconomic vulnerabilities, in particular to achieve food security on a permanent basis. It is inspired by successful domestic social policies in Brazil, such as the Food Acquisition Program (PAA) and the National School Feeding Program (PNAE). The former promotes the development of local agricultural production by stimulating local acquisitions; the latter is focused on students feeding in order to guarantee proper nutrition and foster school attendance. Recognizing, thus, the role of local development to build resilience against disasters, Brazil intends its humanitarian cooperation efforts to be in conformity to Rio 92 principles on sustainable (socioeconomic and environmental) development.

For information on ongoing initiatives supported by the Brazilian Government: